61 Rue Boué Lapeyrère; (Rue Memoz) Akwa

Technological innovation has massively contributed to the development of modern surgery. Deep explorations, unimaginable just a few years ago, are now very familiar even in the ventricles of the brain.
Modern neurosurgery is linked to the use of a High speed surgical drill capable of reducing the time duration of a craniotomy by 75% and offers a post-operative result with very little loss of bone and blood substance, and significantly influences the results of brain surgery performed in urgent and vital conditions (Traumatic Brain...).

We offer our patients a wide decompressive craniotomy in 15 - 25 minutes maximum (1H30mn to 1H45 mn in ordinary operating theatres).
We protect our patients from abusive laminectomies, here we are able to perform selective laminotomies and foraminotomies thanks to high precision diamond drills.
Minimizing the risk of accidental nerve or spinal cord injuries while safeguarding the structure of the vertebrae and joints.
High speed Surgical drill: A must in the Neurosurgery unit!