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Pediatric Surgery


Cogenital deformities

During our pediatric consultations, we have found out that children have birth defects that are congenital. Parents often get disappointed after their consultations with no follow-up, and they end up believing that their case is doomed.


Dr. NOUNLA Joseph, a specialist in pediatric surgery trained in the Federal Republic of Germany and head of the clinic in Hannover, offers his services on appointment at our Clinic.

Teleconsultations and Surgery on Appointment!
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neuro paediatric specialist-child-hydrocephalus


An appointment for full coverage of a surgical operation is possible. An online video consultation will be scheduled for your child.


Many diseases relateted to the uro-genital and gynecological systems can now be treated locally. For patients who wish to have their children operated in Germany and at Dr. NOUNLA's Clinic, we can facilitate the medical evacuation procedure at the Consulate.

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